
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Note: All times are CDT

9:00 - 10:15 am        The State of Grid Modernization: Utility Updates and Insights

As the need to move away from traditional energy sources and strengthen the grid intensifies, distributed energy resources (DERs) are increasingly becoming part of the solution. As utilities strive to incorporate DERs and modernize their networks, various technologies are being deployed, including utility-scale solar, battery storage, microgrids, wind resources, demand response and more. This opening panel will provide an update from a range of utilities across the U.S. regarding where we are currently in the move toward grid modernization, and where we're going.

Gary Brinkworth
Senior Advisor, Innovation & Research
Tennessee Valley Authority

Michael Daniels
Director of Digital Grid of the Future and Analytics

Stephen Lasher
Principal Engineer
National Grid

Valentina Dabic, P.Eng.
Team Lead, Strategic Planning, Future Grid and Modernization, LAP, Integrated Planning
BC Hydro

James Mater
Director and General Manager, Smart Grid

10:15 - 10:45        Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00        Beneficial Electrification: What Do Consumers Need and Want?

As electric utilities and policymakers look for ways to address climate change and decarbonize the economy, widespread electrification is likely on the horizon. This session will provide attendees with takeaways on consumer interest in electrification, the factors that would motivate them to adopt electric alternatives, the reasons why this transition is happening and the benefits it can provide to consumers. Panelists will also share some examples of electrification programs in the field today.

Richard G. Medina
Vice President, Grid Transformation and Engineering
CPS Energy

Jason McGrade
Senior Program Manager, Strategic Operations
Touchstone Energy Cooperatives

Jennifer McWilliams
Senior Engineer

Keith Dennis
Vice President, Business and Technologies Strategies Division
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

Nathan Shannon
President and CEO
Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative

12:00 - 1:00        Lunch Break

1:00 - 2:30        Resilience, Cost Savings, Sustainability - Can Microgrids Really Achieve All 3?

Microgrids are touted as being able to provide multiple value streams -- resilience, cost savings, and reduced carbon emissions -- but at times these values are in contention with one another. Can microgrid projects really optimize on all three at once? Renewable based DERs and automation are keys to the puzzle as well as a strong customer understanding of project goals and operational strategy.

Matt Goss
Senior Vice President, MEP/Energy Practice Leader
CDM Smith

Nkiruka Avila
Expert Innovation Engineer - Microgrids
Pacific Gas and Electric

Bob Wengel
Senior Vice President of Facilities and Security
John G. Shedd Aquarium

Jake Friedman
Director of Project Development

Caitlin Bonney
Microgrid Solution Architect
Schneider Electric

2:30 - 3:00        Coffee Break

3:00 - 4:00        Financing of Microgrids and T&D Modernization in Post-Covid Recovery

The microgrid market is expected to reach $30.9 billion by 2027, according to Guidehouse Research. This session will discuss new issues , perspectives and trends in the funding and financing of transmission and distribution (T&D) modernization and business models for the future. Regulatory and policy considerations will be examined, as well as funding, market-based issues, and the importance of private equity and specialty fund capitalization for new microgrid structures, business models and solutions. The directions of the new Biden administration, the electric utility sector, state and local strategies will be reviewed as a matter of energy, climate and infrastructure policy. Key projects and states' leadership will also be examined.

Michael J. Zimmer
Washington Counsel
Microgrid Institute

Thomas S. Stanton
Principal Researcher for Energy and Environment
National Regulatory Research Institute

Steven W. Pullins
SVP, Chief Technology Officer

4:00 - 4:15        Coffee Break

4:15 - 5:00        Preparation of Distribution Circuits for Distribution System State Estimation and Smart Grid Applications

Many utilities are in the process of implementing Smart Grid applications on the distribution grid such as Fault-Location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) and Volt-Var Optimization (VVO) to improve reliability and asset utilization, avoid DER-caused problems, and predict load response to market or other signals. A Distribution System State Estimator (DSSE) is a foundational application for providing situational awareness and is a de facto requirement for running these Smart Grid applications without causing capacity and voltage violations. A well-performing DSSE is of particular importance on distribution circuits in which the violation-free and optimal execution of these applications is challenged by large numbers of DERs due to their variable production levels and, potentially, Behind-The-Meter (BTM) locations. EnerNex collaborated with utilities to develop a simulation-based methodology to inform sensor deployment decisions that avoid costly investments in "too much" telemetry and overloading and voltage violations that can be consequences of "not enough" telemetry.

Jens Schoene
Director of Research Studies
EnerNex, a CESI Company

5:00 - 6:00        Drink Reception

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

9:00 - 10:30 am        AI and Agent-based Optimization for the Future of Energy

In this interactive panel, four professionals from the power industry and academia will present their most recent research, development and applied projects outcomes that have used artificial intelligence (AI) and multi-agent distributed optimization (MADO) methods for modern power systems real-time optimization and control. With the recent power interruptions in Texas and rolling blackouts that ERCOT (the electricity system operator in Texas) have experienced, the importance of analytical SaaS/software tools with embedded AI and distributed autonomous agents capable of real-time monitoring and optimization of the power grid is acknowledged more than ever before.

Key takeaways:
  • Most recent research & development work on distributed agent-based optimization methods for integrated microgrids of the future
  • Real project demonstrations with focus on distribution grid automation and real-time optimal control of distributed energy resources, demand response, and voltage regulator assets
  • The future of energy roadmap for utilizing sustainable integrated microgrids with AI and optimization SaaS/software for real-time monitoring, control and energy trading

Ashkan R. Kian, PhD, P.Eng, IEEE Senior Member
Founder & CEO
IEMS Group

Javad Mohammadi
Systems Scientist, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

Amin Kargarian Marvasti
Assistant Professor
Louisiana State University

Angie Schuler
Vice President, Power Systems Solutions
S&C Electric Company

Saeed Kamalinia
Senior Manager, Power Systems Solutions
S&C Electric Company

10:30 - 11:00        Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 pm        Technology as a Catalyst for Accelerating a Clean-Energy Future

Increasing reliance on the operating and information technologies that allow utilities to integrate and deliver a diverse portfolio of clean energy sources is reshaping how energy service providers plan, build and operate energy delivery infrastructure. A diverse panel of energy industry leaders will discuss how they are rethinking their organizational missions and increasing their reliance on information and technology to accelerate a clean energy future.

Steven Rupp
Director of Utility Consulting
EnerNex, a CESI Company

Urmi Kavi, PMP
IT Architecture Manager
Puget Sound Energy

Ananth Sundaram
Chief Architect/Principal Manager of Integrated Grid
Portland General Electric

Ricardo Montano
Smart Grid Systems Engineer
Southern California Edison

Abraham Jose, GICSP, CISA, TOGAF
Cybersecurity Architect - Industrial Control Systems & IoT
Pacific Gas and Electric Company

12:30 - 1:15        Break

1:15 - 1:45        Development of Virtual Power Plant Management System using Machine Learning Technology – The South Korean Experience

The South Korean Government has taken the initiative in investing in renewable energy via its Korea Renewable Energy 3020 Plan, setting a goal to produce 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. When the plan to dramatically grow the share of renewable energy resources in the power generation mix is realized, it will weaken grid security and controllability and can cause serious challenges for power grid operators.

A Virtual Power Plants (VPP) can solve this problem by integrating intermittent distributed energy resources (DERs) through information and communication technologies to deliver a single generation profile. This session will focus on two core technologies for the VPP system: renewable energy forecasting and schedule optimization for electricity sales. Work done by VGen Co (part of KEPCO)., Ltd. on the development of a VPP using state-of-the-art technologies such as machine learning and optimization, as well as an application compiler provided by MATLAB platform, will be discussed.

Shishir Shekhar
Global Utilities & Energy Industry Segment Lead
MathWorks Inc USA

1:45 - 2:15        Anticipating and Preventing Physical Equipment Damage from Cyber Attacks

Power system operators and Cyber security defenders need to be cross trained so that they can work together to recognize when a cyber breach may make critical power system equipment vulnerable to permanent damage. The PowerSimulator product, jointly developed by IncSys and PowerData, is used extensively by system operators throughout North America for NERC-mandated system restoration and emergency operation drills. This presentation will cover how real-time power system simulations with cross functional participants can enhance a utility's preparedness for responding to cyber-attacks. This presentation will also make the case for cyber security defenders to become trained and certified as NERC System Operators so that they have a deeper appreciation of the value and strategic importance of the critical assets that are being monitored and controlled by their cyber systems.

Dr. Robin Podmore
IEEE Fellow, Member NAE, NERC Certified System Operator
President and CEO

2:15 - 2:45        Coffee Break

2:45 - 4:15        Planning for Grid Resiliency in a Climate-Changing World

With the growing threat of grid instability and outages caused by weather-related incidents, there is urgent need for technology innovations that can help guarantee grid resiliency and flexibility. The move to incorporate increasing amounts of intermittent renewables into the energy mix also adds to this requirement for better control, coordination and backup of distributed energy resources. This panel of innovators will discuss the kinds of challenges faced by new grid environments as well as developments in the areas of energy storage, communications, and distribution network technologies designed to meet them. The goal is to prepare the grid of the future for a distributed, challenging, climate-changing world.

Gary Rackliffe
Vice President, Market Development and Innovation North America
Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Joe Sullivan
Head of Sales - North America
PXiSE Energy Solutions

Gil Shavit
President & Chief Business Development
GenCell Energy

Rolf Bienert
Technical Director
OpenADR Alliance