Bob King, grid modernization

Bob King

Vice President, Policy and Governmental Affairs
Smart Energy Water (SEW)

Bob King has joined Smart Energy Water (SEW) as Vice President for Policy and Governmental Affairs, helping the company anticipate, and respond to, the needs of its electric, gas and water utilities. Bob has a long history in utility and energy market policy, in and out of government. Most recently Bob has provided government affairs, as well as, business development advice and support services to a long list of emerging energy technology and service companies for over 25 years, as President of Good Company Associates, Inc. He has a reputation for thought leadership and multidisciplinary collaboration, especially with respect to renewable energy, efficiency, storage, demand management, and data-driven services. Since 1999, a major area of his focus has been smart energy technology and the power of intelligence-from AMI to the Internet of things. He has most recently been focused on the issue of data accessibility and innovation.

King previously served as a Vice President of Resource Management International, the precursor of Navigant Consulting, and regional director of KENETECH Corporation. King earlier had a 20-year career in government service, including as first director of renewable energy programs for the TVA, and as clean energy advisor to the Governor of California, and the Governor and Lt. Governor of Texas. He serves on the board of the Advanced Energy Management Alliance of North America, and the Advisory Board to the Gulf Coast Power Association. He is a registered engineer and lobbyist, and trained mediator. Bob is a graduate of Vanderbilt engineering school, and the LBJ School of Public Affairs, at UT, Austin.